Yochai Benkler

Yochai Benkler (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Yochai Benkler insists that in the internet based society, we have to raise human cooperation which is called Penguin. He took the term of Leviathan that humans are fundamentally and universally selfish. Penguin is the symbol of Linux that is expressed by the view that sees human beings as fundamentally capable of compassion, morality, cooperation, and generosity. If we wish to build cooperative society, we need to build cooperative systems(Chap 10).

  • Communication is very important.
  • We have to try Framing, fit, and authenticity .
  • We should have empathy and solidarity beyond ourselves.
  • Constructing moral systems such as fairness, morality, and social norms.
  • Reward and punishment can, in some instances, be effective in getting people to cooperate.
  • Reputation, transparency, and reciprocity are enormously valuable.
  • Building for diversity is the best way to maximize contributions and cooperation.